This is a total beauty lovers delight and has an immense detox potential , helps in clearing up your skin of all the blemishes and acne.You benefit a lot from the anti-oxidants of the purple cabbage and grapes.If you haven't discovered the purple heads of the cabbage yet, this is a good place to start. The cabbage,grapes and the cucumber all work together in harmony in making this a drink, that you can have whenever you are on a detox kick, or when you’re trying to follow a specific plan to help take care of the toxins and a huge boost to the body.Sometimes it is so easy to forget how the body responds to all of these good things. Here’s a breakdown of what this detox drink does to your skin: The purple cabbage which is rich in vitamin C and E gives the skin a natural and a beautiful glow.And the vitamin A naturally acts as a moisturizer, thus keeping your skin soft, healthy and beautiful.The purple grapes are rich in anti oxidants and helps in keeping a healthy immune system.Cucumber has beta carotene zea-xanthin and lutein. These compounds act as a scavenger against free radicals that lead to ageing and helps in revitalisation of the skin.
- Quarter head of purple Cabbage
- One handful of Purple Grapes
- One fourth of a whole cucumber.
Add all the above ingredients and blend until smooth, adding water as necessary. If it seems too thick, add more filtered water and re-blend. You can either strain the entire blend or if you need the necessary fibers you can have them without straining
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