Cloves are small nail shaped dried flower buds that are native to Eastern Indonesia.They have a warm, aromatic ,sweet but has a peppery, spicy and a very penetrating flavor and are available through out the year.Cloves can be attributed to its antiseptic,anti-oxidant,anti-inflammatory,analgesic,antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, aphrodisiac and stimulating properties.Cloves can easily overpower a dish, particularly when ground, so needs to be used in moderation.
A float test may be used to determine clove quality:
Good, sound cloves sink, or float with their heads vertically upwards
Lower grade cloves float horizontally on the surface of the water.
Cloves are used in cooking (desserts, bakery products, meat, fish, red cabbage, mulled wine) and in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. They are also used to produce oil of cloves, the main constituent of which is eugenol. Eugenol is used, among other things, to perfume soaps and as a dental anesthetic and an additive in dental filling material.
Health Benefits of Cloves
Cloves have been popular in dentistry as a local anesthetic due to the presence of eugenol and beta caryophyllene which have analgesic properties. Apart from the anesthetic properties, cloves have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are effectively used in drugs and dental fillings.
Studies reveal that daily consumption of cloves can increase the insulin activity by almost three times, thereby keeping the blood sugar levels under control. Including cloves in your daily diet can help in even delaying the onset of diabetes.
Cloves act as an aphrodisiac which enhances the sexual behavior in men, without any adverse effects. Besides, they are even used for treating premature ejaculation successfully.
With anti-inflammatory properties and cooling effects present in cloves, coughs and colds can easily be cured. Simply chewing or gargling cloves helps in easing sore throat. What’s more, they are used for treating respiratory disorders, like bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma and sinusitis.
By increasing blood circulation, cloves promote proper flow of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, which enhance the body metabolism. They have also been found to inhibit the clotting of blood, thereby helping maintain cardiovascular health.
Common problems such as cuts, fungal infections, burns, wounds, athlete’s foot and bruises can be effectively treated with cloves or clove oil. Apply clove oil in diluted form near the affected portions, as direct application of neat clove oil can cause irritation.
The essential oil of cloves contains eugenol which has been proved to be an effective natural antifungal agent against ringworm and Candida albicans. Compared to the commercial antifungal drugs available over-the-counter, clove oil serves as a less toxic, safe and inexpensive treatment.
Sty is an inflammation on the eyelash, which is not only irritating, but also painful, since it causes difficulty in the proper functioning of the eye. Both clove and clove oil act as an effective remedy for treating stys.
Clove serves as an excellent stress reliever due to its aphrodisiac and stimulant properties. By removing mental exhaustion and inducing sleep, cloves aid in alleviating insomnia and treating depression and anxiety effectively.
Cloves promote enzymatic flow and boost proper digestive functioning. Besides, they work as an excellent remedy for curing vomiting, flatulence, dyspepsia, motion sickness and hiccups.
By adding cloves in your daily food, you can strengthen the immune system, increase resistance to diseases and purify the blood.
Cloves kill intestinal parasites and exhibits broad anti-microbial properties against fungi and bacteria, thus supporting its traditional use as a treatment for diarrhea, intestinal worms, and other digestive ailments.
Like many culinary spices, Cloves helps relax the smooth muscle lining of the digestive tract. And finally, eating cloves is said to be aphrodisiac.
Clove Storage Tips
While whole cloves can be stored for at least twelve months, ground cloves have a shorter shelf life, say about six months.
Always keep cloves in an air-tight glass container away from direct sunlight in a cool and dry place.
You can extend the shelf life of whole cloves by placing them in the refrigerator.
It is best to use freshly ground clove powder to get the maximum taste and flavor.
Since whole cloves are hard and cannot be grounded with a mortar and pestle, using an electric grinder, such as a coffee grinder, is advisable.
Other Names
French: clou de girofle
German: Gewuzenelke
Italian: chiodo di garofano
Spanish: clavo de especia
Burmese: ley-nyin-bwint
Chinese: ding heung
Indian: lao(o)ng, laung lavang, lavungam
Thai: gahn plu